Dying Light: Bad Blood Game Review

Dying Light: Bad Blood follows a different story than its predecessors. It is, of course, based on the zombie-zapping game series. In contrast to the first game, however, this one does not have any inventory items to pick up, nor does it have guns. There is no fighting and, instead, the action is all about scavenging for supplies. But, after surviving a few grueling moments, you will discover that not everything can be scavenged…


Dying Light: Bad Blood takes place in two game modes: Story mode and co-op mode. In story mode, players take control of both Artym, a survivor of a zombie plague, and Jenny, a young girl with a psychic link to a fallen combatant. Together they must find help and fight their way through the thick forest that covers the entirety of the map.

Dying Light: Bad Blood Game Review

However, as soon as the sun sets, the zombies will emerge and begin to attack the players one by one. A couple of days pass before another wave of zombies show up, forcing each group of survivors to run for their lives in search of a way to protect themselves and each other. However, as each wave of zombies approaches, a different kind of weapon will be introduced. Players can choose from an array of gadgets that can be used to either improve their chances of survival or to eliminate the threat of a hungry horde.


The basic concept behind each of these gadgets lies in the idea that the longer a player plays the game, the more likely he or she will be able to find a way to collect samples of certain elements that are scattered across each level. These elements, which include blood and organs, are what make up the heart of Dying Light: Bad Blood. As each wave of zombies approaches, players need to scavenge for these vital resources in order to survive. The elements can be collected through scavenger hunts, but players will also find them hidden within special loot boxes. Fortunately, these boxes can be opened with the help of a variety of weapons and gadgets that will allow players to collect the needed elements at just the right time.


The Dead Island – Zombie Game follows the basic premise of many first person shooter games. You play as one of several survivors who have escaped the smoldering wreck of your sinking ship. Along your journey, you learn that you have been inducted into a research facility on dry land that has been shut down due to a viral outbreak. Armed only with a rusty flashlight and a rusted pistol, you must explore the facility and fight off the flesh eaters, marauding zombies, and vicious snakes that emerge from the dark. Along the way, you must also unravel the mystery behind the outbreak and discover the location of your safe house.


Techland’s Dying Light: Bad Blood takes this theme one step further by adding a few twists that make the gameplay more chaotic and exciting. First, the player no longer has a choice but to walk around the map as an unprotected human. This adds a sense of realism to the action, and the characters are more believable because they have to scavenge for supplies and fight off aggressive creatures while protecting themselves. In addition, the various survivors that you encounter on your journey each have their own back stories, and you learn more about each as you investigate each area.


Playing as one of these characters adds an element of adventure and personality to the experience. While exploring the environments, I found myself thinking about the situations that had presented themselves before. It felt almost as though I was having to relive the scenes from my past. The various circumstances also support the overall theme of a zombie-ridden post-apocalyptic world, as each map brings new rooms and locations to explore, with the occasional battle taking place against the relentless hordes of zombies. Techland really does try to create a living, breathing world through its persistent gaming mechanics and visuals.


Dying Light: Bad Blood continues to evolve in terms of graphics and sound as the game progresses, but it is perhaps for the better when it comes to its story. Despite the excellent visuals, it sometimes seems as if the developers lose track of the overall concept, especially with some of the twists at the end of the game, but I liked the story and enjoyed the slow, suspenseful pace that kept me interested throughout. Despite the technical flaws, I still enjoyed playing this game, and recommend it to anyone looking for an engrossing tale of zombie horror and dark urban fantasy. Techland has delivered another excellent zombie game, and while I think the story is substandard, I will be waiting for Dying Light: Bad Blood to receive the official release to know whether or not it improves upon or cranks up on the visual design.